Monday, October 24, 2011

What is a Cell Phone Signal Booster For?

Mobile rings & a variety of other wireless devices have become new epidemics of the century. People do not require losing their chance to be reached anywhere & anytime. They do not require losing a possibility to communicate with their relatives & friends on the phone, even if there is a risk of dying from some type of cancer, like brain cancer for example. & sometimes people basically have no idea how to protect themselves from that danger using mobile phone signal boosters.

When they are speaking on the phone, the radiation coming from the device is actually absorbed by the brain. This makes the permeability of the blood brain barrier higher. Besides, the synthesis of stress proteins also soars. There was a variety of different studies conducted that proved that there is definitely a clear link between the usage of mobile rings & the increase of people suffering from brain tumors. Although no exact conclusions can be drawn, the fact that cell rings increase the risk of having cancer is obvious.

The more they talk on the mobile phone, the higher is the risk. Of the phone is constantly looking for network coverage & cannot find it. That is what mobile phone boosters are for. These tiny but powerful devices do not only solve poor reception issue for you, but also reduce the risk of having cancer, that is important.

Mobile phone signal booster consists of an amplifier & an antenna. The cell phone amplifier boosts the signal & in such a way, that tiny & ineffective amplifier that is built in the mobile phone can cease looking for better reception & thus, cease sending so plenty of risky electromagnetic waves. Mobile phone boosters are useful & handy. Besides, using them you can forget about at least some health issues.


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